Mycosis is a disease that is easy to get but difficult to treat. This is due to many factors. Pathogenic microorganisms quickly adapt to changing conditions, get used to the active components of drugs. They are able to be on various surfaces for a long time. They are multiplying rapidly, occupying more and more new areas. They literally penetrate the horny plates, penetrating deeper and deeper. Treatment of nail fungus should be carried out in a comprehensive manner, in accordance with all the rules. Otherwise, you could face a situation when the symptoms start to pass, but everything quickly returns to its original position.

How can you get onychomycosis?
According to statistics, the infection most often occurs in the following way:
- Personal contact with a person suffering from fungus;
- Personal items: cloths, towels, shoes;
- When visiting saunas, beaches, showers, sports clubs;
- Pedicure performed with instruments that are not disinfected.
Infection can occur anywhere where people walk barefoot. If a person with mycosis has crossed the floor, the scales of her skin remain on the surface. If they are found on healthy nails, the pathological process will begin. A similar path of infection occurs when someone else's personal belongings are used. Fungal microorganisms are particularly active in warm places with high humidity. Therefore, they usually accumulate in saunas, baths, baths.
Even if there is a fungus on the nails, it does not mean the beginning of the disease. The body's defenses are sufficient to fight infection. However, there are factors under the influence of which the fungus is introduced and spreads more actively. If they are present, the risks of detecting this disease in themselves increase many times over. Consider these factors:
- Wounds and cuts on the feet, microcracks typical of dry skin - these are all doors for infection;
- Weakened immune system;
- Taking antibiotics that alter the acidity of the feet;
- Poor hygiene
- Sweating feet;
- Metabolic problems;
- Diabetes;
- Overweight.
Factors that trigger the development of the disease can be:
- Lack of personal slippers when visiting public places;
- Using someone else's shoes;
- Use of narrow synthetic materials;
- Ignoring the need for regular bath disinfection;
- Lack of proper foot hygiene.
Based on these observations, it is easy to report methods for the prevention of mycosis.

Signs of the disease become visible only when the fungus is already in a moderate stage. However, it is possible to diagnose the disease in the first phase. To do this, you just need to carefully monitor the condition of the nails. The following symptoms should alert you:
- Foot peeling;
- Appearance of white spots on the nails;
- Mild itching;
- Dry feet.
With these signs, it is better to see a doctor. They are not specific, so one disease can easily be mistaken for another. The symptoms of later stages will be much more pronounced:
- The nail loses its natural luster, becomes cloudy;
- The plate takes on unnatural shades: yellow, green, blue;
- The nail begins to crumble, peels, becomes much more brittle;
- The plate begins to separate from the nail. Before that, free spaces are created between him and the bed;
- The structure of the nail is changing. Thickening occurs. The nail may bend, growth pathologies are observed;
- The disease spreads to the skin. On them an inflammatory process develops which is manifested in the release of pus, redness;
- The space between the fingers peels off, cracks appear;
- Itching and tingling intensify;
- An unpleasant odor appears.
In the most advanced stages, the fungus seriously destroys not only the nails, but also the skin. Abscesses may occur. All this causes serious discomfort, interferes with the normal way of life.

Is mycosis dangerous if left untreated?
Untreated disease involves the following problems:
- Occurrence of infectious complications;
- Occurrence of serious allergic reactions;
- Causing exacerbation of various diseases, including diabetes mellitus;
- Defeat of internal organs by fungal microorganisms.
In the last stages the disease is very unpleasant. There is a discharge of manure, cracks appear. It hurts to walk. A pronounced odor appears. All this makes normal life difficult. In addition, pathogens enter the bloodstream and can affect the entire body. This is extremely dangerous and burdened with disability or even death.
Treatment depending on the stage of the disease
The fungus on the nails has several stages, depending on the extent of the lesion. Methods of therapy will depend on the stage in 90% of cases. Consider the characteristics of treatment depending on the stages of disease development:
- Phase 1.Good reviews can be found about the medicinal solution. It works great in the early stages of the disease. The solution is used to treat diseased nails twice a day. Before processing, it is recommended to make a hot foot bath, trim the nails and process them with a file. The cost of the solution is about 500 rubles. The advantage of the solution in the form of a solution is its immediate absorption, fast action;
- Phase 2.The loose part of the nail is removed with scissors or a file. A healing solution is applied to the cavity, as well as to the entire surface of the plate. It is recommended to start taking tablets. The treatment will last approximately 6 months;
- Phase 3.In this case, the lesion affects not only the plaque, but also its root, nail, and nearby skin. Treatment is carried out with drugs of systemic action. It is necessary to observe a doctor because the advanced stage can not be solved without the help of experts.
Success in treating nail fungus is determined by the regrowth of a healthy plate on which there are no signs of damage.

Basics of mycosis treatment
How to cure nail fungus? Therapy is carried out using two groups of means:
- Local preparations.It is used in the first and second stages of the disease. It can be combined with systemic drugs. This category includes varnishes, solutions, ointments, gels;
- Systemic drugs.They are antifungals. These can be tablets, capsules. They stop the spread of the disease, destroy pathogenic microorganisms. They have an accumulating effect. That is, the active components of the drug remain in the skin even after the end of therapy. This prevents recurrence.
It is best to treat nail fungus early. This is due to the fact that only topical preparations can be used in this case. The tablets are very effective, but they are also toxic, they have a lot of contraindications and side effects. It is forbidden to accept pregnant women and children.
Use of medicinal varnishes
Varnishes are excellent in the early stages of nail fungus. They have the following advantages:
- You do not have to apply the product every day. Enough twice a week;
- The varnish dries almost instantly;
- The tool creates a film on the surface of the nail that does not allow bacteria and additional infections inside;
- The varnish is transparent, so it is not noticeable on the nails.
The characteristics of the course depend on the particular varnish. Their significant disadvantage is their considerable cost.
Antifungal tablets
Antifungal tablets will be needed if the mycosis has spread to more than 1/3 of the nail. The specialist should prescribe a remedy against nail fungus, because the choice depends on the type of microorganisms that caused the disease.
Almost all pills have cheap counterparts. The cost of medications varies.

Laser therapy
In some cases, nail fungus does not respond to medication. In that case, you can use laser therapy. The following advantages should be noted:
- Painlessness;
- Effective destruction of fungal microorganisms;
- There is no damage to healthy tissues;
- The possibility of curing the disease in the severe phase in only 4-6 procedures.
It is desirable to supplement the laser action with systemic drugs, as well as vitamin complexes aimed at strengthening the body's defenses.
Nail removal
Nail removal is usually indicated in the advanced stages of nail fungus. It is not recommended to use this method on a relatively healthy plate. Removal has the following benefits:
- Painless (removal occurs due to maximum softening of the plate);
- Stopping the spread of pathological processes;
- Better penetration of drugs into the focus of the disease.
Removal can be done at home. There are special preparations for that. Removal is done due to the urea content in the products. Also in the composition there are auxiliary components that stop the growth of fungi and have an antiseptic effect: stearic acid, tea tree oil.
Before use, the legs are steamed in a tub with a tablespoon of baking soda. They should be wiped dry. The patch is then applied to the cuticle near the nail. The product must not come into contact with the skin as this may cause burns. The composition is applied to the nail in a thick layer and then closed with a band-aid. After 4 days, the patch is removed. If the nail is not removed, the event may recur.

Traditional methods of treatment
It makes sense to apply folk techniques in the early stages. They have an additional effect. However, it should be borne in mind that these funds do not replace local medicines. Consider the most common folk methods for nail fungus:
- Apple cider vinegar.Vinegar is mixed with water in a ratio of one to one. The feet are placed in a hot bath for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is performed daily. After that, the feet should be thoroughly dried. The effect can be seen after 2 weeks. If not, the product must be replaced by another;
- Tea tree oil.It is applied to the affected nails in pure form three times a day. A drop is needed for each plate. There are contraindications: childhood and pregnancy;
- Fresh celandine.The plant must be ground. The juice is squeezed out of the porridge. This can be done with gauze. A glass of juice is combined with a glass of 70% alcohol. The solution is injected during the day. Before processing the legs are steamed. The infusion is then applied to the plates. Processing is done 3-4 times a day. The course is 10-12 days;
- Iodine.Apply a drop of iodine daily to the affected area. Don’t forget to trim the growing nail. If there is a burning sensation, you should stop the procedure. This effect indicates tissue burns;
- Tea mushroom.It can be used to make compresses. For that, a piece of mushroom is placed on the nail. The finger is wrapped in cellophane and bandaged. Then put on cotton socks. The procedure is performed at night. In the morning, the compress is removed, the foot is washed under warm water, dead areas are removed.
What is the best treatment for nail fungus? Folk recipes for this will not work. They can only be used as an auxiliary tool. However, the main therapy should be taking pills and topical medications.
People who have had nail fungus notice the effectiveness of a medicinal solution that is convenient to use. However, it must be borne in mind that the tool must be used regularly for a long time. Without it, the mycosis will reappear immediately.
Celandine is also effective. People notice that the visible effect can be noticed after only 3 weeks of use. The structure of the nail changes, the signs of damage disappear. However, this is only relevant for the early stages of the disease.
You can also see negative reviews. They usually warn of the abuse of remedies. For example, patients suffered severe burns when using iodine and acetic acid. Therefore, the use of these agents must be carried out in accordance with safety measures. In particular, the recommended dose should not be exceeded. If burning occurs, it indicates a burn. Don’t believe articles that claim pain is a sign of healing. It is usually a sign of serious processes that can leave behind greater complications than after the fungus.
Additional measures
Additional measures are needed to speed up treatment and prevent relapses. Consider the main:
- Parts of the patient's skin remain on the socks and shoes. If a person is completely cured, you can become infected again by interacting with them. Therefore socks must be cooked for 5 minutes. All fungal microorganisms will be destroyed in boiling water. Shoes are treated with special mixtures that can be found in pharmacies;
- Vitamin complexes should be taken to stimulate the immune system;
- All funds are used regularly, during the prescribed course. Otherwise, the treatment will be completely useless.
Careful attitude towards all recommendations is the key to a quick cure.

Preventive measures
In order not to be re-infected with mycosis, preventive measures are applied:
- Before visiting baths, saunas and other public institutions, it is recommended to lubricate the nails with antifungal varnishes;
- You shouldn’t wear someone else’s shoes;
- You can take hot foot baths once a week, where sea salt and soda are added;
- It is advisable to exclude sweets from the diet;
- Sweaty feet should be avoided.
Once a week, after a recent cure, you can use a local antifungal or similar folk remedy. They are applied to all nails. Even if the infection reappears, it will stop quickly.
It is harder to protect yourself from illness when you live with a sick person. In this case, regular disinfection of the bathroom and all surfaces in the house is important. The patient should keep and wash their belongings separately from other clothes. Households can use topical mycosis medications once a week for prophylaxis.
Mycosis is difficult to treat. His therapy must be taken very seriously. At the first signs it is advisable to visit a doctor. Takes scraping from the affected area. You can then determine which microorganisms caused the disease. Based on this information, medications are prescribed. Individual factors also play a role in drug selection. For example, if a woman is pregnant, pills are rarely prescribed. This is due to the fact that they penetrate the bloodstream and can harm the fetus. Nail removal is usually used in combination with local treatments.